About Us

Penny Brotherz was founded in Charlotte, NC in 2011. Penny Brotherz is owned and operated under TBGC (The Broadie Group Corporation,LLLP ). Penny Brotherz is a vending company that specializes in custom kiosk machines, copper science, kiosk machine placement, custom kiosk software, and custom hardware development.

Ever used a penny in a vending machine or really wanted too? Penny Brotherz structured operational plan and patents applied for, coerce the possibility for consumers to use EBT cards (food stamps) and pennies in vending machines. The copper coins has been avoided for several years, Penny Brotherz vending strategy will allow the company signature vending machines MIPO’s (Mir. Penny Kiosk Machines) to be the only vending line on the market designed to accept pennies, SNAP (EBT), dollar bills, nickels, dimes, Visa, MasterCard and be conveniently placed at local bus stops, construction sites, colleges, apartment complexes and homeless shelters throughout the USA.

Penny Brotherz unique technology offers virtual processing packages and custom vending machines that regulate, navigate and validate purchases that are bought using SNAP (food stamps). Currently, Penny Brotherz is only accepting pre-qualification applications from vending companies, vending operators and manufacturers.

Get to Know Us

Follow your heart create peace, fall in love with innovation, enjoy the little things, dream big, believe in miracles, discover your passion, embrace every possibility and believe that being different is a blessing.


Penny Brotherz will teach, discipline, and outline the importance of investing, technology, innovation, change and Brotherhood (unity). Penny Brotherz will be the difference, allowing people to spend the unwanted. We believe that people underestimate the ‘Power of the Penny” and don’t realize that such small things can lead to such great success. Our purpose is not to penny pinch America, but to allow Americans the ability to purchase the necessities of life with a coin that is widely overlooked.

Why the “Z”? Is a question that is often proposed to our company no, “Brotherz” is not a typo, but a statement! The “Z” represents our spiritual belief in the Christian Faith Matthew 20:16 “The last shall be first, and the first shall be last, for many are called, but few chosen”. The infamous “Z” is a reminder to everyone that success itself chose us.

A Quote From The Owner

“By giving individuals an incentive to spend pennies we are creating a market in which it will be impossible for competition to compete. Pennies are monetary objects that are sometimes completely ignored by society. Pennies were a lot like me, even though I was of value, I felt as if my life was at the bottom of the barrel.”

-Marques Broadie, Founder